

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Island Breeze at Turtle Crossing in West Bay Beach, Roatan

Island Breeze

The Front Deck
Jenny and Steve left Saturday morning and the weather turned yesterday afternoon..  Around noon the electricity went off and Michael was worried he would miss the  SEC championship game. I decided to have him drive me to West Bay Beach and Infinity Bay.  He could keep the truck in case the electric didn't come back on and he could join me there and watch the game.  It was another beautiful day but the storm clouds moved in so I decided to see if they were able to get the game on one of the flat screens at the Palapa Bar.  As it sometimes goes they had to jury rig a connection to the TV through one of the guy's laptops in order to watch the game! It worked really well and they finally even got the sound to work as well! The game started, the rain came and Michael didn't arrive.  I figured he must have gotten to watch from home. A little way into the second quarter, he tore himself away (since it hadn't stopped raining) and came to rescue me.  Good thing as he almost missed his share of the chicken quesadillas I was eating! Back up the hill and home to Island Breeze, we finished watching Cam and AU win! WAR EAGLE.  We knew everyone at home was enjoying it as well.  I can only hope Steve got to see some of it from the airport in Atlanta.
Living Room Area

Living Room and Kitchen Areas
The weather today has been overcast and very windy so we spent  today fixing the hummingbird feeder which is leaking and the birds do not seem to like the new one I bought and watching more football.  I am hopeful this will bring them back (fixing the feeder, not football) as they really are a delight to watch.

I realized I don't have any pictures of our house here on Roatan on this blog so I have included a few pictures.  You can see the house sits on the hill side overlooking the south shore of Roatan.  We have lovely views from several levels.  As you climb up the hill, you are at the Western tip of the island and you can see the Caribbean sea from all sides!.

Master  Suite
Island Breeze
View from the top deck at Island Breeze
View back toward the hill...taken this summer, it's green now.
View from the sundeck

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