

Friday, January 21, 2011

January Already in Roatan...

Sunset in Roatan

It has been a busy two weeks with our friends David and Eileen.
  We have done some snorkeling and beach going as well as eating out.

 There were several cloudy days followed by very windy days.  But overall, the weather has improved and we think the last two months will be the best yet.  David and Eileen saw many pretty days.  I think David enjoyed the snorkeling the best while Eileen liked people watching at West Bay Beach!

We tried to find a tarantula for her to see but no luck…you have to go wandering out at night. I don’t think she liked the fruit bats very much either but the hummingbirds were always around and we now have a little sparrow bird type with a bright yellow breast  that comes in the house and eats crumbs off the floor. I may give up sweeping altogether.
The New Vacuum Cleaner

Lobster at Casa Galloway

We've cooked lobster and shrimp here....very yummy and I even made Roatan Pizza. 

This weekend there will be a triathlon on the island.  I was told that there will be world class athletes from different countries participating. They are busy repairing pot holes and many runners are out practicing....the guys don't wear shirts....:-).  Michael and I will be participating as well….but not as athletes!  We are volunteering at one of the water stations.  The running part of the race will be right in front of the house.( That's how I know they don't wear shirts.)   We even get the T-shirt and I don’t have to swim, run or bicycle!  It is followed by a dinner on the beach.  It should be a great day and a way to meet new people. I will be sure to take plenty of pictures.

We went to a BBQ the other night at a house up the hill (mountain) in the turrets.  They are beautiful with a view to die for. It is a nice rental with four bedrooms.  I met a woman who is a retired teacher and when she found out my background, wants me to volunteer at the new Tech school on the island.  I may look into it and if we come back again next year, I might want to participate. Oh, and public schools on the island are still on break.  They have there large break from December to February 15th.  Just talking to some kids and just like in the states, they are missing their friends and ready to start back to school. They also go to school in shifts....elementary in the AM, Middle School in the afternoon and High School in the Evening because many of the High School age students work daytime jobs.

The four of us

There is always something new to explore.  David came up with the idea to see if there were any geocaching sites on the island.  We think we have located two of them and will try this evening to find the treasure!  We think one is in Bananarama’s ice cream shop…go figure. We have tried fishing again with no luck but I refuse to give up. With all this water, I have got to be able to catch a fish! 

Relaxing at the Beach
Will be missing Christopher's birthday on Sunday...but all is well at home. Look for some new posts after this week end.

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