

Friday, February 11, 2011

Springtime Comes to Roatan!

Double Bougainvillea

Spring is in the air! Roatan plants are bursting with unusual and colorful flowers.  I have always wanted to live in a place where the shrubbery has flowers and Roatan is that place. 

Coral Tree in Bloom
 The most beautiful plant I have seen lately is the coral tree. I thought that was a nice name but could not imagine why it was called the "Coral Tree".  The leaves are variegated, yellow and green….no coral color anywhere.  But they are in bloom  now and the name  has meaning.  The flowers are the most vibrant coral red and look like a large daisy.  They are in bloom everywhere.
Coral Tree Blossom

Bees on the Palm Tree Blossoms
The palms have large flower like plumes and large red seeds hang dripping down in large clumps. Bees are swarming over the palm plumes making the trees hum. Hibiscus of every color and shape decorate the yards around the villas. As the grounds crews try to keep up  (they landscape by machete)….the fronds grow inches in a day.  It really is a glorious time to be here.

Bees swarm on the Blossoms
Bright Red Palm Seeds

Sunset at the Meridian

The other evening Michael and I decided to take in a sunset down at the Meridian Beach.  We had it all to ourselves and it was a beautiful spot to watch the sun go down.  Our only company was a large yacht that I learned belonged to the owner of Tigo…one of the internet service providers on the island.  As you can see in the photo the yacht comes complete with its own helicopter…!

Tigo Yacht Complete with Helicopter!

Hope you enjoy the pictures and that Spring comes to Florida soon!
Double Hibiscus
If you are interested in what a Roatan Super Bowl party looks like follow this link to some cool pictures from the Infinity Bay Party.

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