Michael and I took a different road into West Bay Beach and it was certainly beautiful. Lush hills covered in tropical plants would give tour groups a pleasant entry to the beach resorts further away from the little village at the bottom of the hill. We stopped at Fosters for a wonderful fresh fish sandwich and enjoyed talking with the server who was convinced the sun would soon come out. Cruise days are very important for the resorts as business is slow right now.
We took off down the beach after lunch and the sun did indeed come out, the first time for several days. The beach was like a big party with jet skis, banana float rides, live music and lots of vendors selling everything from DVD's to mahogany ice buckets. It's a carnival.
Besides Foster's we stopped and explored the Mayan Princess which is another large, popular beach resort. Our final stop was Infinity Bay where we often stop for coffee in the morning or lunch in the afternoon. When I told the servers I was doing a blog on cruise days on the beach they insisted I include their pictures. So here they are: Kerby and Nigel are funny and sweet.
We finished the circle by climbing back up the hill. We were able to do it with only one stop half way this time! We passed the Meridan development by the lighthouse and noticed there were salesmen on duty and decided to stop and take a look. This development is just down the street from us and is quite beautiful, but because of the poor economy world wide, they are pretty much at a standstill. However, they graciously invited Michael and I to make use of their beach and chairs while we are here on the island. We plan on taking advantage of that. This is a link to some additional West End and West Bay Beach pictures taken in the last several days. http://picasaweb.google.com/gallown/20101111West?authkey=Gv1sRgCJ69_rfb487CRg#
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