

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Adventure Comes to an End

Sailing away

Roatan through my eyes!

Well our wonderful adventure is coming to an end.  I am sitting at the airport waiting to board the plane for home.  It has been a great six months.  We have been fortunate to be able to spend the time here.  We have met so many wonderful people from all different places. I think that was one of the most special parts of this trip. 
Things are getting crowded here with standing room only.  I will continue this later. 

Roatan Wish Willy
Well, we made it onto the plane…it was sort of doubtful for a minute or two. Our luggage was too heavy and we had to take one of the suitcases we had nestled and take two carryon bags.  When we repacked (very quickly), Michael asked if I knew if there was any liquids in the bag.  Not to worry I replied.  As we went through airport security with our now repacked carryon bags, they questioned my metal Christmas tree ( the star has points ---weapon potential, I guess.  Then there was the made-in-Roatan soap…prohibidad. Really?  He changed his mind and slipped it back into my bag.  My jewelry making supplies were in the new carryon bag….oops….pliers and things with sharp points! Not to worry, they changed their minds and let me go on. The only thing they took was a sea shell….they should see my checked bags…most of the weight was my shell collection.
Last Night Blues
The last hurtle was one more security check- this time by Delta personnel.  I passed through with my luggage and no items confiscated.  I was ready to cross the tarmac and board the plane when I realized Michael hadn’t gotten through his security check!  Uh Oh!....I turned back and found that they were questioning my jewelry supplies one more time….the pliers are pointed (but very small).  They said we could check the bag but we already had checked our free allotment. After some conversations back and forth I said just take the pliers already!....So now I have to replace my tools….but I still have my made-in- Roatan soap!

The flight was uneventful (that's always good) and we arrived home late Saturday night.  The temperature was cooler than anything I have felt in six months. It’s sweater weather at night still.
Beautiful day for a sail.
Sunday was pretty and sunny, Scott and his friend came for a quick visit…it was great to see him.  Michael went off to Wal-Mart for lawn supplies and Christopher and I headed to the grocery store!  Wow, what a treat to see fully loaded shelves.  I got all our favorite things but it took me a while to adjust to thinking in dollars…everything seemed so expensive.  It also took me time to adjust to drinking water out of a faucet again.
Kids are great.
And so our adventure ends.  The time we spent flew by but people of Roatan and the friends we met will stay with me forever. 

It’s impossible to explain the colors of the sea and the bounty of flowers that decorate the island.  It is truly a lovely place and I leave with only one wish and that is to return….the soonest I can. 

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