

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sunny or Rainy in Roatan.........It's All Fun and Roatan Plane Crash

Rainy Morning at Infinity Bay
Rainy days on Roatan can still be as much fun as a sunny day.  This morning it was looking cloudy and we canceled our planned snorkeling trip and instead took Mimi and Dad to Infinity Bay for breakfast on the beach.
Smiles for a Great Breakfast: Eggs Benedict on the Beach

 Since our last visit to the island Infinity Bay has completed a covered palapa and added roll down wind and rain curtains.  So when the rains started, we were still able to enjoy our meal, visit with the wait staff who are always pleasant and funny and enjoy the activity on the beach.  We even took short strolls along the beach to show them what it is like.  Wait til they see It on a bright sunny day with all the wonderful shades of blue and green in the water.

I have included a link to the air crash that happened last week.
Air Crash at West Bay Beach
From the news we have gathered around the beach, it all could have ended terribly but because there were divers in the water nearby and doctors on a passing boat, the family survived.

 I was able to take some of my own pictures of the plane from a water taxi as the aircraft was still afloat upside down between West Bay Beach and West End.

  Everyone was very concerned that the family was okay and grateful for all the people were in the right place and who made good decisions in a timely manner.

Here is a YouTube video of how this plane looked taken in December.

Another news item of great interest here is the recent sinking of the cruise ship in Italy. So many people depend on the cruise ship industry here that any bad news like that sends a ripple through the community with fear that it will affect their livelihoods in some way. We still think cruising is a safe way to travel and so many people can only enjoy traveling that way.
Cruise Shippers on Shore

Party Boat on the Beach

Charlie works hard and gives a great massage

Water Taxis at West Bay Beach
Now that we have rented a car from someone on the island, we will be able to get out and about more easily. Lots of great things to see and do and share with family. Although I do miss my old squeaky truck from last year!
Sunday afternoons at the Beach
I am hoping to go to La Ceiba on the mainland of Honduras next week. I have never been there so I am  looking forward to taking the ferry over. I will be taking loads of pictures and will blog about it too.
 Little Girls are all the Same
You are in my space!

I guess I can share

Adios Amigo!!
My weekend was spent at the beach while Michael and Dad watched the playoffs. For me, watching people is always more fun than watching football....hard for some of you to believe I know! I love to meet up with friends and new people—all of which I did while Green Bay's Winning Season faded away.

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