

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Beautiful Week in Roatan

Since the Hurricane came through last weekend, the weather has cleared and been beautiful.  The wind was up at the first of the week blowing out of the southeast steady and strong.  It made the water off our house pretty rough.   We weren't able to get out around the island because our truck seized up.  I don't know why but the emergency break locked and we were unable to get it loose.  The truck owner finally got his mechanic out on Wednesday morning.  I was glad to see them because we needed to do a grocery store run.  You learn that manana doesn't mean tomorrow but sometime in the hurry. Anyway when we were able to get to the store we stocked up on things and found some surprises like Stoffer's pecan coffee cake.  The box was a bit battered, but the coffee cake was intact. Going to the grocery is like going on a scavenger hunt.  You keep  list and hope to find what you need.  It took us a month to discover the "crema" in a bag (they put everything in bags) was sour cream.  

Before the truck was fixed Michael and I walked down the steep hill to West Bay Beach, and took a water taxi into West End for the day. We stopped at little shops, ate at food stands and watched the cruise ship crowd at an open air restaurant, then took the water taxi back and walked up the hill (going down is a lot easier). 

Wherever you look there are little side roads and resorts. Asking other people about places is helpful because some of the best places are not visible from the road.  We stopped at the Blue Bahia for a snack because of groceries in the car.  We loved the food and friendly people.  They are serving Thanksgiving dinner so we will make our reservations for an afternoon seating. They are providing a traditional American Thanksgiving feast and some other folks we have met will probably be going there as well.
We have been snorkeling off the rock shelf and at West Bay Beach.  The reef can be reached from the beach and it is magnificent.  There are tons of cool tropical fish, coral and sea fans.  We will try to use our digital camera underwater tomorrow. I bought a special case for it to use under water.  Hopefully it will work.

As I mentioned we have met several interesting neighbors.  We all went to dinner in West End the other night.  That was the first time we have been out on the roads after dark.  The road (there is only one) is curvy and dark.   Our neighbor has lived here for 5 years and is used to it. I think we will probably be more confident as there wasn't much if any traffic.  You just need to go slow and watch for people walking in the road, taxis that stop suddenly, fallen trees, dogs, mud problem.

1 comment:

  1. Mike & Nancy, everything sounds and looks so exciting. Know you guys are having a Blast! We just got back from the Ole Miss game. Really enjoyed seeing Brock, though not very long. He's in s fraternity, and didn't have a lot of time with us. " The Grove" is definitely a unique tailgating experience. Love, John
