

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hurricane Richard and Other Things

Haven't posted in a few days as we have been without power and internet.  Everything is back to normal and the weather has cleared out, sun is shining and the island returns to normal.  Richard came in after the Auburn game on Saturday thank goodness, so Michael had TV and electric.  The game was great....War Eagle. Around 11:30 Saturday the wind and rain hit with a vengeance. Richard blew through Roatan for about twelve hours.  The electric went out almost at once.  I think they turned it off on purpose to save damage at least that is what I heard later.By sunrise we were able to watch the waves hit the iron shore below us.  The waves crashed and blew up through the rocks. The rain came down sideways, poured for hours. By noon on Sunday, the storm moved far enough away from the island for the wind to slack and the rain to stop.  I have included some pictures we took of the waves after the storm already departed.  It is hard to capture the perspective of size but they were crashing twenty feet high. Amazing.  
We still didn't have power. By Sunday afternoon we contacted some neighbors with a generator to see if they could take some of our food, which they graciously did. Darkness comes early on Roatan.  By 5:30 it was pitch black and no sign of power coming back on.  Later that night we could see lights down the island so we know power was being restored to some parts. Monday morning we had the most beautiful sunrise.
 About 24 hours after the storm hit we had lights again.  Internet was another matter.  It took another whole day before we were able to get back online.  Richard left trees down and lots of foliage and debris tossed about.   The local islanders have been busy raking and cleaning the streets and beaches to prepare for the next round of cruise ships.  Today the sun was warm and bright, the cruise ships docked and everyone enjoyed the beauty of this tropical island. 


  1. Glad ya'll are okay. We are getting excited about coming.

  2. Was worried sick as you know ( actually made my self a tad bit sick >.< ). Can't wait to be there in December , love you miss you
