

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Our First Week

This week was fun as we learned how to get around, where to buy things and how to work in limperas (the currency here).

Our house in Roatan sits high on the Iron coast. The photo was taken from the pool area right above us.  We have really nice views of the water and the coast of Honduras from the balconies and gazebo. The house is well equipped and it is easy to cook.  Even when the electric went off for a while again yesterday we were fine as  the stove is gas and you can still get a meal together.

This picture was taken in Sandy Bay.  It has been windy and stormy here lately and you can see the debris washed ashore.  Not the prettiest beach, lots of run off from the mountain streams leave the shallows looking muddy.  The reef is further out and you cans see the docks extend out to deeper water.

Lots of waterfront restaurants in West End.  We went for lunch here.  It's so pretty to sit over the water. Cruise ship days are crowded and busy in West End so we will probably avoid that in the future. Tourists on horses, tourist vans and pedestrians share the dirt road through town.  It reminds me of what Key West must have been like years ago.

Although it has been a rainy week, we did manage some sun time at the pool. 

West Bay Beach ends in these old coral rocks. The reef is right off shore and you can easily swim out to snorkel but not when the waves are up as the coral is very close to the surface.

Weeks End

We went to watch the sunset Friday night at the Infinity Bay Resort right on the beach at West Bay Beach. This is the closest beach to us and it is beautiful. 

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